Publishers, Put Users First.

Michael Silberman, SVP Strategy, at Piano took a deep dive into today's user-first digital landscape as it relates specifically to publishers. Rethinking the concept of "audience" is critical to building a sustainable business model.

An audience is no longer just a number you can hang your hat on. As Silberman states, "a critical percentage of that audience must be made up of loyal users."

So how do you inspire loyalty? Engage your users. Build relationships. Silberman says, "that starts with putting users at the center of your site experience."

Begin by developing a deep understanding of what your users really want from your brand.

Here's where we can help. Our survey platform gives you the tools you need to discover what your users value, how they see your brand and what you're not delivering on.

Click here to see how we can help you build a user-first strategy.

And click here to read Michael Silberman's full blog post.